Mr Michael Bickford
Mr Michael Bickford

Mr Michael Bickford
Gastrointestinal and General Surgeon

Mr Bickford graduated in medicine from Monash University. He gained his Australian Fellowship in surgery in 1986 after extensive surgical training undertaken at Melbourne’s Alfred Hospital in association with the Royal Australian College of Surgeons. After two years of post-graduate study in the United Kingdom, specialising in upper gastro-intestinal surgery, he returned to Melbourne where he joined the staff of Southern Health Care Network and a private surgical group practice.

Mr Bickford continues to run a vibrant patient-centred surgical practice serving the Eastern suburbs of Melbourne at Knox Private Hospital.

In addition to his general surgical service, Mr Bickford has a regular upper gastro-intestinal list focusing on Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio Pancreatography (ERCP).

Mr Bickford is currently a Senior Skills Instructor with the Royal Australian College of Surgeons.

Private Hospital Accreditation

  • Knox Private Hospital
  • The Valley Private Hospital




  • General Surgeons, AUSTRALIA
  • Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, AUSTRALIA R.A.C.S
  • Australian Endocrine Surgeons
  • IHPBA – International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association
  • Australian Medical Association

Particular Interests:

  • Integrated management of complex gallstones
  • Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy and ERCP
  • Cancer Management
  • Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery
  • Hernia repair including endoscopic hernia repair
  • Acute surgical care
  • Jaundice management
  • Minor procedures in the rooms

Endoscopy Qualifications:

I am accredited By the Conjoint Committee for Recognition of Endoscopy training in

  • Gastroscopy
  • Injection therapy for bleeding ulcers
  • Heat probe therapy for bleeding ulcers
  • Endoscopic insertion of feeding tubes
  • Insertion of duodenal stents
  • ERCP
  • Endoscopic Sphincterotomy
  • Endoscopic removal of bile duct stones
  • Endoscopic Biliary Stent insertion
  • Endoscopic Pancreatic Stent insertion

Practice Philosophy

After more than 20 years of surgical experience I realise that each patient has unique issues and problems and with knowledge, experience and care I strive to provide the best possible outcomes.

This is particularly relevant to the management of abdominal surgical problems, and the combined management techniques of surgery, laparoscopy and endoscopy can be used in different combinations to provide the best treatment.

Qualifications & Experiences

  • 1978:
    MBBS, Monash University, VIC
  • 1986:
  • 1979:
    The Alfred Hospital MELBOURNE
  • 1980:
    The Alfred Hospital MELBOURNE
    Surgical Resident
  • 1981:
    The Alfred Hospital MELBOURNE
    Senior Surgical Resident
  • 1982:
    Department of Anatomy
    Demonstrator in Anatomy Monash University CLAYTON
  • 1984:
    Stanford University PALO ALTO U.S.A.
    Demonstrator in Anatomy
  • 1983-1986:
    The Alfred Hospital MELBOURNE
    Surgical Registrar
  • 1987:
    Hull Royal Infirmary U.K.
    Senior Surgical Registrar
  • 1988:
    Edinburgh Royal Infirmary U.K.
    Visiting Overseas Fellow
  • 1989-2008:
    Southern Health Network MELBOURNE
    Visiting Medical Officer
  • 2012 continuing
    Senior Skills Instructor
  • 2012 continuing
    Medical Advisory Committee



Knox Private Hospital
Suite 12
262 Mountain Highway


Mulgrave Private Hospital
Churchill Consulting Suites
Blanton Drive